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Dernière modification: June 05, 2020

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Women workers may experience violence and harassment in a number of interrelated settings. They may experience it in their physical workplace. They may also experience it in the wider world of work, for example, when they attend work-related events, travel to and from work, when they use employer-provided accommodation or through technologies, such as mobile phones and computers.  Also, the violence and harassment they experience in their private lives may spill over into their working lives, when, for example, abusive, intimate partners or ex-partners follow them to work and/or commit violence and harassment against them or against their colleagues. In addition, violence and harassment at work perpetrated by work colleagues can also follow workers into their private lives, for example, when a woman worker is stalked by a colleague in a public space away from the workplace, at her home or through technology, such as e-mail or social media.